How To Register

  • Click on the REGISTER/LOGIN button at the top right corner
  • Click sign-up if you are creating a new account else click sign in for login
  • Under sign-up, fill all the mandatory details required
  • Under the category option, select Makeover artist
  • Verify the mobile number with the OTP sent
  • Create a 8 digit strong password for registration
  • Click submit to complete
  • Use the registered mobile number and password details to sign in every time

How to participate

  • Once you login first, Click here to participate button in dashboard will take you to participate form
  • Select the sub category in which you want to participate under the options available Eg-Bridal
  • Upload 3 images under the selected category
  • Read the terms & policies given and check the box
  • Pay the amount needed to participate in the selected category
  • Your form will be submitted and mail confirmation will be sent to your mail id
  • Your dashboard will display the submitted details and you can also download the pdf regarding the same.


  • By entering the competition, you hereby accept the following competition rules and terms & conditions
  • Entries must be submitted no later than the due date (05th Nov 2022) listed on the competition URL,
  • Both the participant and model used should be 18 and above
  • No certification is needed for the makeover artists to participate in FFA under this category
  • Only Indians are allowed to participate in this competition
  • Participants can participate even in all the following categories:
    • Bridal
    • Fashion
    • Fantasy
    • SFX / Prosthetic
  • All categories are non-gender, non-religious and non-culture based one. This can be anything generic to your preferences
  • Bridal category alone includes Hair styling
  • Participant can choose their own theme if needed under their preferred category
  • Only the participant should do the complete make up work. No other third person should be involved
  • Participants under the categories [Fashion, Fantasy & SFX/Prosthetic] should upload the following 3 images
    • Front face
    • Side face
    • Before & After collage
  • Participants under the category Bridal should upload the following 3 images
    • Front face
    • Before & After collage
    • Back pose [ Hair style ]
  • Selfie images are not allowed
  • Your images must be instagram portrait sizes 1080 pixels (w) x 1350 pixels (h) or 1350 pixels (w) x 1080 pixels (h)
  • Each image should be maximum of 3 MB in size and they should be in PNG or JPG format
  • Watermark or logo should not be present in the uploaded images
  • To promote the winners of each category, FFA has the right to display the images on FF social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
  • All the entries will be judged by a panel of nominated juries. The decision taken by these juries will be the final one
  • Participant must possess the exclusive rights to every photo entered and will be responsible for having all necessary permissions relating to the subject/subject matter, including photos featuring individuals/property.
  • FFA will not be responsible for any claims or complaints against violation of rights or damages from any parties related to it. The participant agrees to indemnify and hold the FFA harmless in such cases. In case of any dispute, participant shall submit the obtained permissions; else the entry shall be considered as disqualified. The participant is solely responsible for any such damages.
  • Prize winners of each category will be informed through personal phone calls, whatsApp and email on 4th Oct 2022.
  • You will be informed only as one of the prize winners (Winner / Runner position will not be disclosed in the call/whatsApp/E-mail). If we are not able to reach you after several attempts, the next person will be considered.
  • An invitation will be sent to all the prize winners along with 1+2 platinum tickets for the Fashion show 2022.
  • Winners and Runners of all categories will be announced in the massive fashion stage and you can collect your awards there (You must be compulsorily present for the Fashion show to collect your award).
Note : Once you are shortlisted in the top 10, you will be asked to send the video proof with date and time mentioned. So kindly take the needed videos and photos during your work and keep it ready.

Judging Criteria

    The following criteria’s will be considered while judging :
  • Visual success
  • Blending technique
  • Being photogenic
  • Over all look
  • Creativity

Fees for Makeover Artists

    S. No categories entry Fee
    1 Bridal ₹ 1000 /-
    2 Fashion ₹ 1000 /-
    3 Fantasy ₹ 1000 /-
    4 SFX / Prosthetic ₹ 1000 /-

Giveaway for participants & prize winners

All the participants will be receiving an e-certificate for their active participation

Each of Makeover categories will have the following prizes

Winner Runner
Cash prize ₹ 10,000 /- Cash prize ₹ 5000 /-
Memento Memento
Photo book Photo book
Certificate Certificate